2516. Hon Alison Xamon to the parliamentary secretary representing the Minister for Health:

(1)  I refer to the inquiry into the Climate Health WA Inquiry, and I ask:

(a)  given this inquiry is the first to be established under part 15 of the Public Health Act 2016, will an evaluation of the inquiry process be undertaken;

(b)  if yes to (a), will the evaluation report be made publicly available; and

(c)  if no to (a), why not?

(2)  I refer to the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network, and I ask:

(a)  which Hospital Service Providers (HSP) have signed up to become members of the Network;

(b)  does the Minister intend to align mitigation requirements across all HSP with the State Climate Policy; and

(c)  if no to (b), how does the Minister intend to ensure all HSP equally apply mitigation strategies rather than leave the individual HSP to employ an ad hoc process?

Hon Alanna Clohesy replied:

I am advised:

(1)       (a) A report on the Climate Health WA Inquiry process, including methods and lessons learned, will be prepared for the Chief Health Officer upon completion of the Inquiry.

(b)  Yes.

(c)  Not applicable.

(2)      (a)

As at 4 October 2019 the following Health Service Providers (HSP) and hospitals in Western Australia had joined the Global Green and Healthy Hospital Network:

South Metropolitan Health Service.
East Metropolitan Health Service.
WA Country Health Service.
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (North Metropolitan Health Service).

Osborne Park Hospital (North Metropolitan Health Service).

(b)  It is intended that all HSP will be required to align with any mitigation requirements arising from the State Climate Policy.

(c)  Not applicable.


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