1326. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Environment:

I refer to Gooseberry Hill Primary School, and the possible contamination of the school’s dam given past practices of dumping rubbish across the site surrounding the school grounds, and I ask:

(a)  has the Ledger Road Dam site (Lot 1879 Vol. LR3005 Folio #546) been classified as “Possibly Contaminated – Investigation Required”;

(b)  will the department test the water in the school’s water tanks for contaminants; and

(c)  if no to (b), why not?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)  Yes.

(b)  No.

(c)  The Shire of Kalamunda’s environmental consultants tested the dam water in July and August 2016, February2017 and February2018, and provided the results to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation as part of the contaminated site investigation.

The Department of Education advised the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on 30 July 2018, that the Gooseberry Hill Primary School has not been supplied with water from the Ledger Road Dam for garden irrigation for several years.

Based on the results of the sampling and given the water from the Ledger Road Dam is no longer being supplied to Gooseberry Hill Primary School, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation considered that there is negligible risk to users of the school.


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