663. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

(1)  How many staff are currently designated as badged attendance officers under the School Education Act 1999?

(2)  Where are each of the staff in (1) located?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(1)  1 329 (as of 15 March 2018).

(2)  1 224 are located in public schools and 105 in Education Regional Offices. I have the breakdown by region, which is in tabular form. I seek leave to have the table incorporated into Hansard.

Region Badged Attendance Officers in public schools  Badged Attendance Officers in Education Regional Offices Total
Goldfields 109 6 115
Kimberley 77 3 80
Midwest 148 6 154
North Metropolitan 312 29 341
Pilbara 147 6 153
South Metropolitan 163 32 195
Southwest 160 17 177
Wheatbelt 108 6 114
Total 1 224 105 1,329


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