664. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Education and Training:

I refer to the Follow the Dream Aboriginal education program, and I ask:

(a)  what was the total funding amount budgeted for the program for 2017–18;

(b)  how many Follow the Dream (FTD) sites are currently operating in Western Australia;

(c)  how many FTD sites are industry partnership funded;

(d)  does the Government intend to close any FTD sites, or open any new sites in 2018; and

(e)  if yes to (d), please advise the name of the site and if it is to be closed or opened?

Hon Sue Ellery replied:

(a)  $5 432 000.

(b)  26 at 25 host schools. There are two programs at Hedland Senior High School: Years 7 to 9 and Years 10 to 12. These two programs were established as part of corporate funding arrangements in that location.

(c) 12

(d)  No.

(e)  Not applicable.


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