3026. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Corrective Services:

I refer to the Inspector of Custodial Services 2019 Inspection of Casuarina Prison report and to the Department of Justice’s statement in the report that ‘Access to Indigenous specific support in prisons is also facilitated through aboriginal healthcare workers and aboriginal mental healthcare workers’, and I ask:

(a)  how many aboriginal healthcare worker FTE are employed by the Department;

(b)  how many aboriginal healthcare worker FTE are based at each custodial facility;

(c)  how many aboriginal mental healthcare worker FTE are employed by the Department; and

(d)  how many aboriginal mental healthcare worker FTE are based at each custodial facility?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

As of 1 August 2020 there were:

(a)  One currently employed and one vacant position.

(b)  Two – one at Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison, one at Melaleuca Women’s Prison (vacant).

(c)  One currently employed with 4 vacant positions.

(d)  Five – one at Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison, three at Casuarina Prison (vacant) and one at Melaleuca Women’s Prison (vacant).

Note: The vacant positions are newly created positions. Recruiting is pending.


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