1968. Hon Alison Xamon to the minister representing the Minister for Emergency Services; Corrective Services:

I refer to strip searches at Banksia Hill Detention Centre, and I ask:

(a) how many strip searches of children and young people in Banksia Hill were conducted in:

(i) 2015;

(ii) 2016;

(iii) 2017;

(iv) 2018; and

(v) 2019 to date; and

(b) on how many occasions did strip searching result in the discovery of contraband in:

(i) 2015;

(ii) 2016;

(iii) 2017;

(iv) 2018; and

(v) 2019 to date?

Hon Stephen Dawson replied:

(a)  Strip searches of children and young people in Banksia Hill conducted in:

(i)  2015: 9068

(ii)  2016: 3746

(iii)  2017: 2446

(iv)  2018: 1609

(v)  2019 to date: 93

(b)  Occasions strip searching resulting in the discovery of contraband in:

(i)  2015: 16

(ii)  2016: 6

(iii)  2017: 23

(iv)  2018: 6

(v)  2019 to date: 0

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