Child Protection

The number of Western Australian children, and in particular First Nations children and young people, in out of home care has reached alarming levels. It is essential that the Government invests in general parenting support initiatives and targeted early intervention strategies to help vulnerable families stay together, and for children to thrive. When children are placed into out of home care they should be provided with stable, culturally secure placements and  tailored support, including  after they turn 18 where needed. 

Alison has worked closely with foster carers, including grand carers and families in informal caring arrangements, to increase public recognition of the important work that they do, and to advocate for increased funding and support.  She will continue to advocate for a strong Child Protection system which supports families and ensures children and young people are safe and cared for. 

Many children who are currently or have historically been in out of home care, including former child migrants, members of the Stolen Generations, and the forgotten Australians, experienced unspeakable treatment and abuse which, for many, continues to mar their adult lives. Alison will continue to advocate for appropriate redress and ongoing support for victims of abuse in out of home and institutional settings.